Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dramatic power and for ending the play in confusion Essay

The final act of Translations is an act in which Yolland ends up as missing, so creating a number of stories as to the circumstances of his disappearance. The final act of Translations can indeed be criticised for lacking dramatic power, as throughout the act there is no particular build up of tension that leads to one significant event. It can be seen that what happens to Yolland is fairly predictable; therefore the dramatic power is not present. The act can also be seen as ending in confusion as there is no definitive point that tells us exactly what each character goes on to do. But despite this, the statement may be questioned as was it Brian Friel’s purpose to do this? Perhaps by ending the play with a lack of dramatic power and in confusion, he has left the rest of the play and the events leading on from it down to the imagination of the reader. In the final act of Translations, everything flows along in a kind of way that doesn’t give dramatic power, as the subject and the dramatic power it radiates is the same as it was in the beginning of the play. The subject is still the same, being that of the changing of place names and its effect on the people of Ireland, and it never changes, therefore the readers have not experienced a build up of tension to an exciting and unannounced event. The very fact that Yolland, a British soldier loathed by many Irish as he is changing Irish place names, has had a relationship with Maire, a pretty young Irish girl whom Manus also likes, tells us that it may be likely that something will happen to him at the end of the play as he has caused much dislike for himself from those in the play due to these things. Therefore, this also causes a lack of dramatic power when he finally goes missing in act three, as it can be argued that it was bound to happen and could have been predicted by the readers. The final act of Translations also lacks dramatic power due to its ‘echoes’ and resonances (that is, repetitions) to previous parts of the play. Brian Friel has woven in many an echo and resonance into the structure of the play, and this also causes a lack of dramatic power as the points that have been made in previous parts of the play are just being repeated over in act three. However, although it can be argued that there is a considerable lack of dramatic power, this may only be a lack in a physical sense, i.e. a lack of physical dramatic power, such as a fight taking place or someone being killed within the narration of the play. Throughout act three, characters emotions run high, and dramatic power can be seen as being expressed through their emotions. An example can be seen with Sarah mumbling her regret for not being able to speak more fluently. ‘I’m sorry†¦I’m sorry†¦ I’m so sorry, Manus†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This use of few words repeating themselves, and the use of a. ellipsis symbolises her not being able to fully express her feelings fully through language as her linguistic talent is limited. The act has also been criticised for ending in confusion, and this may be down to many points which emerge throughout Act three.  The final act ends with an ellipsis, in that Hugh ends with, ‘†¦would come forth from Lybia’s downfall†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ If this final speech had ended with a full stop, then perhaps this would have signified the end of an era or the end of a build up to events. However, the ellipsis suggests that the process is ongoing, and it is not clear where the process is leading, or what it is leading to. Therefore, we can’t directly determine what happens at the end of the play, as there appears to be no definitive end to it. The ellipsis suggests that something will happen following the end of the play, yet the readers aren’t made clear as to what that will be. Another reason as to why the act has been criticised for ending in confusion is that we (as the readers) are not clear as to what finally happens to Yolland, or who is responsible for him going missing. We only have our suspicions to work with in trying to create an ending to the story. It seems suspicious that Manus leaves right away after it has been discovered that Yolland is missing, as Owen points out, ‘Clear out now and Lancey’ll think you’re involved somehow.’ Therefore, the readers may form suspicions about who’s involved, yet this shows how the play ends in confusion as no-one can determine what has happened to him. The play ends in confusion as all of the characters are ended on a depressing note, with none of them showing exactly where they are going to go on to or what they’ll end up doing in life. The one thing we know is that Maire is going to go on to learn English, yet we are not told what that will take her on to. None of the characters specify what they will go on to do in life, yet each is ended in a dismal way with Jimmy Jack going mad and Yolland having gone missing. This demonstrates why the play has been criticised for ending in confusion, as the readers must only imagine what the characters go on to do. However, this may also have been purposeful by Friel to let audiences use their imaginations and minds to create an ending to the play. Another way of interpreting this is by saying that Brian Friel has not ended the play in that much confusion, as by taking information from the history books, and by using our own knowledge, it is clear as to what happens to Ireland following on from the end of the play. Ireland does go on to be taken over completely by England, and all the place names are changed form Irish to English. Therefore, it can also be argued that the play does end in confusion but only to a certain extent as we (as readers) at least know the fate of Ireland.  Therefore, the points that Brian Friel ends act three in confusion and with a lack of dramatic power can be agreed upon but can also be argued against as Brian Friel may have ended in such a way for a purpose, that being to allow the reader to use their imagination in creating the end of a ‘story.’

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Much Copper Is in the Coin?

We calibrated three different molarities of copper (II) nitrate. We tested for the %Transmittance of 1M, 0. 1M, and 0. 01M and plotted the data collected on a calibration curve based on concentration and absorbance. We used nitric acid to dissolve a penny to produce another copper (II) nitrate to test its %Transmittance and plot that on the graph to discover the concentration of that substance which came out to be about . 21M. We attempted to develop a method for determining the concentration of three different diluted copper (II) ion solutions. We also tried to determine the concentration of copper within a penny by dissolving it in nitric acid. We used a spectrometer to measure the %Transmittance of each and were able to convert it to it absorbance in order to plot it on our calibration curve. We used test tubes to contain the solution and set the spectrometers to 20, which were preset by the TA. Prepare three different beakers with one containing 0. 01M, 0. 1M, and 1M of copper (II) nitrate ( Cu(NO3)2). Fill three different test tubes full, each having different amounts of concentrations of the copper (II) nitrate. By using the spectrometer measure the %Transmittance (%T) for each. Convert each %T into its absorbance by the equation: A(absorbance)=log(100/%T) and plot on a graph. The y-axis should be labeled A and the –axis should be labeled Concn for the concentration of molarity. Draw the best fit line through the graph. Place a penny in a beaker and carefully add HNO3 and occasionally swirl so that the penny can completely dissolve. Once the penny is fully dissolved, fill another test tube with the newly created copper (II) nitrate and again, test for the %Titration and convert it to the A. Plot it on the graph on the best fit line and find the amount of concentration that was found within the new solution. When dissolving the penny with nitric acid make certain to perform it within the hood seeing as the gas that is created is toxic. Also be very cautious when working with nitric acid due to the fact that is s corrosive to the skin.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Children education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children education - Essay Example In terms of the findings by Bottini & Grossman (2005) all factors have implications to my teaching. Students in the traditional classroom were expected to sit and listen to the teacher and then work independently with little if any time allowed for interaction; whereas students in the center-based classroom (centers focused on science, art, mathematics, reading, writing and computers) were able to explore and experiment to create their own learning and knowledge with the teacher guiding and helping them. The inclusion of subjects such as art, music and physical education were provided within specific allotted times in the traditional class but in the center-based classroom such subjects were provided at random and more often, thus creating a more conducive environment for learning. The teacher within the traditional classroom wasted a lot of time reprimanding students on their bad behavior – bad behavior caused by having to sit for long periods of time with no interaction with peers or teacher, and the fact that some students finished a task more quickly than others and so had time to waste while those taking longer became agitated and disturbed.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Law of Obligations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law of Obligations - Essay Example In this regard, an offer is terminated if it is not accepted within a reasonable time.4 An offer can be withdrawn at any time prior to its acceptance, although withdrawal must be communicated to the offeree.5 However, if the subject matter of the offer is sold prior to its acceptance, the acceptance is not valid because an offer cannot be accepted for the purchase of property that has already passed from the offerer to another.6However, Contemporary Caravan did not sell the motor home, although it claimed to have sold the property prior to receiving the acceptance from Ideal Homes. Nevertheless, an offer and acceptance will not form a legally binding contract unless there is consideration.7 Since there was no consideration, there is no binding contract and Ideal Homes cannot force Contemporary Caravan to sell the motor home to them. Nathan Nobel The communication between Nathan Nobel and Contemporary Caravans indicates a request for information and a response to that request. There w as no definitive offer and acceptance communicated between the parties. Nobel simply asked for the lowest cash price applicable to the luxury motor home and Contemporary Caravans responded. Nothing more was said, and thus Contemporary Caravans had no reason to assume that the stated lowest cash price was accepted by Nathan Nobel. There must be some indication that there was an intention to form legal relations. A mere inquiry as to price will not be sufficient to substantiate that there was an intention to create legal relations on the part of Nobel.8 Moreover, assuming that Contemporary Caravans made an offer in its response to Nobel’s inquiry, Nobel failed to indicate one way or another that he accepted or rejected the... This essay discusses that In light of the fact that the new arrangements were ongoing for 8 months, Right On had a legitimate expectation that these arrangements would continue for the full 12 months. Since Right On had a legitimate expectation that the new arrangements would continue for a year and acted accordingly, it would be unfair for Contemporary Caravans to withdraw their promise. Since the arrangements were ongoing for 8 months, Right On had a reasonable expectation that the new arrangements were genuine or honest and nature and would continue as promised by Contemporary Caravans.Since there was a consideration in the sense that the new arrangements provide for a new method of discharging the loans, Right On can bring an action against Contemporary Caravans for breach of contract or anticipatory breach. In the latter case, Right On may if it likes, apply to the courts for injunctive relief prohibiting Contemporary Caravans reneging on the new arrangements.Whether or not ther e was a consideration, is immaterial because the doctrine of promissory estoppel can be invoked to prevent Contemporary Caravans altering the terms of the new arrangements unilaterally. It is therefore suggested that Contemporary Caravans continue to keep its promise and to allow Right On to continue to make the reduced payments until the 12 month period expires. Since no reasons are given for the desire to back out of the promise and the new arrangements it is likely that a court would find that Contemporary Caravans were not acting in good faith.

Differences in Accounting and Finance Case Study

Differences in Accounting and Finance - Case Study Example Industrial analysis always looks forward to analyzing the things in a perfect and well-organized manner. Budgeting is the most important thing from the viewpoint of an organization and the main perspective of this assignment also relates to the same (Joseph V. Carcillo). Basically, this is a case study analytical assignment, in which there are different questions that need to be answered accordingly. From the above-mentioned table, it is clear that that the total expense required by the company is $ 726,900, hence the budget should be higher than that of the same. It is required to allocate at least $ 1 million budget in order to finance all the things accordingly. Let compute the proportion of each attribute and then apply the same on the new budgetary line in order to get a certain amount of figures. The variances in the activities have been found from the difference of each activity while the difference or variance in the total has been found from the net total figure amounting to $ 273,100. The new flexible budget is very much in the favor of the company as a whole, as most of the things have low difference among the things. The newly allocated budget is well enough to analyze the same in total. Let’s now move towards the third question Cost efficiency is an important factor from the viewpoint of an organization and every organization has to control its cost both direct and indirect cost in order to become economically viable and efficient. In the scenario of the selected organization, it is found that the company is able to control some parts of its cost but not cent percent. The compensation of Directors have a high proportion of 47% of the total budget which is quite high and it should be decreased accordingly because the allocation of funds would disturb heavily merely because of this particular provision. If I will be in the team of the board of directors, then I would not prefer this much of cost.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How leadership communication differs from conventional management Essay

How leadership communication differs from conventional management communication - Essay Example Many leaders believe that they have communicated once they say something; if the person being directed to do something does not do it unintentionally, it means there was no communication because the receiver did not get the message. Communication is complete only if the receiver understood the message (Daft and Lane 261). In communication, what you hear is equally important to what you say, so communication is a two-way process. A leader is somebody who guides, directs, and motivates people. Leaders should have powers to motivate employees is an organization or people in a community to work together to achieve desired goals. Leadership and management are similar, and they differ in some ways: they both involve working with people, concern about effective management, and other related characteristics. In leadership communication, a leader must communicate effectively. Leaders spend most of their time communicating with the employees; it has been found that communication takes over 70 percent of leaders’ time per day (Daft and Lane 261). Leadership communication to employees or people he/she is in charge of is always transparent, trustful, and open while conventional management communication is normally a directive to the subjects about what needs to be done. This is because leaders are innovators, and they always want to further their innovation while managers are employed to administer the directives that will see the organization grow. A leader should do things he/she believes will help the organization progress. Leaders focus on employees while managers focus on both the customers and employees. Management communication is more consistent than leadership communication. This is because the management in an organization is always in touch with employees since they are in charge of running day-to-day functions and ensuring that the staff performs to the required limit; hence, they are giving directions all the time, unlike leadership, which is not always in touch with employees: they always offer policy decision and they are responsible for overall performance of the organization and its future (Daft and Lane 261). Conventional management communication is informative while leadership communication is not informative. Informative communication only informs the subject of what needs to be done while non-informative communication influences the thoughts, feelings, and actions of the subject, which is what is required from a leader. Leadership communication should be spelled out courageously; if communication is open and honest, it might contain some mistakes, but the mistakes will be better than uninspiring communications. If as a leader you do not have an answer to a question or a problem, admit that you cannot respond, and the employees will respect you believing that you are honest. Management communication should be specific while leadership communication can be changed. Specific communication is simple and concise and not confusin g. Managers should always be at the point and should avoid going around. With brevity and clarity, it will make employees obey time and become disciplined. In leadership communication, the message can be changed; this strategy will prevent the message from going bad. Since leadership is meant to spearhead the organization into the future, the leader’s message should be acceptable to everybody in order to push the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Elfego Baca American Hero Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Elfego Baca American Hero - Research Paper Example Elfego Baca’s Help for the Hispanic Community Elfego Baca’s political efforts can be estimated from the fact that he held a whole range of public offices that included but were not limited to the country clerk, the Socorro superintendent County, the Sierra Counties, and Socorro’s district attorney. Various writers have identified Elfego Baca as a peacemaker. Elfego Baca has been recognized as the â€Å"best peace officer Socorro ever had† (Thrapp 50). Elfego Baca has been America’s official representative of the Victoriano Huerta’s government from the year 1913 till the year 1916. That was while the Mexican Revolution was in progress. This post got Elfego Baca indicted for the criminal conspiracy as Jose Ines Salazar, the Mexican general had escaped from prison. Elfego Baca’s case was defended by Octaviano Larrazolo who was both a politician and a layer from the New Mexico which also led to spread of the name of Elfego Baca amongst the Southwestern residents. In the year 1912, when New Mexico attained the status of a state, Elfego Baca ran as a Republican for the Congress unsuccessfully. However, as a result of his immense tendency to turn the votes out among the people of the Hispanic population, Elfego Baca remained a very popular political figure. Sometimes, Elfego Baca worked like a private detective. He worked with Bronson Cutting who was the longtime Senator of the New Mexico. Elfego Baca offered the political investigation services for him and also wrote a column in Spanish on weekly basis in which he praised the work of Bronson Cutting. His praise represented the praise of the whole population of the local Hispanics for Cutting’s work. In spite of the decline in his health, Elfego Baca tried to run for the governor. However, he could not manage to get the nomination of the Democratic Party for district attorney in the year 1944. At the time when Elfego Baca rendered these services, the Hispanics we re far less popular in the US as they are today. They were not adequately represented in the media or the literature. The lack of popularity of the Hispanics of his time was one of the factors that differentiated Elfego Baca from the rest of his countrymen. Over the passage of time, Elfego Baca was represented in the media and literature for all of the aforementioned reasons in general and the famous gun battle with the 80 cowboys that is indeed, the single most severe gunshot battles in the history of the US in particular. â€Å"Baca also stood out as a rare example of a Latino hero at time when Hispanics were rarely seen on American TV. Elfego Baca proved popular enough to be recut and released theatrically outside the United States† (â€Å"Swamp Fox And†). Elfego Baca’s famous gun battle with 80 cowboys Elfego Baca was in the West’s greatest gunfight from 29 October 1884 to 31 October 1884 at Frisco. He was fighting opposite to 80 to 84 cowboys in tota l. At that time, Elfego Baca was no more than 19 years old. Elfego Baca entered Frisco as a Deputy Sheriff upon an electioneering visit. There, he located Charlie McCarty who was a cowboy and was shooting a plaza. Elfego Baca captured him and resolved to escort McCarty for trial to Socorro since the justice of the peace had declared retaliation from the Slaughter cowboys if

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Those Winter Sundays Poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Those Winter Sundays Poem - Essay Example This comparison of a cold winter day with the father’s endeavors contributes to the writer’s use of harsh imagery. The consonants are bravely spread out over the poem making it a powerfully illustration of love and fury. The poem is mixed with images contrasting a son’s journey of remembering his father’s actions that were completely overlooked in his childhood but now as a man, he recalls them with respect. The poem presents the theme of love that is not returned and the theme of regret which the speaker feels after his father is no more. Robert Hayden has presented the love of a father for his child who does not care about the fact whether his son loves him in return for it or not. This unconditional love is explained as the father does not care about his own fatigue and he maneuvers to light up the fireplace to make the house warm for his family. The poet expresses the fact that this act of devotion of the father was driven by his love for his family as he sacrificed his own rest for the sake of his family’s comfort. This is explained by the poet in these lines, â€Å"then with cracked hands that ached/ from labor in the weekday weather made/ banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.† These lines express the deep love of the father who did not care about his pain and suffering and his family’s comfort was his highest priority. The regret of the poet for not being thankful to his father has been explained in the poem as well. The poet explains that his father had faced many difficulties but despite of all his hardships, he wanted to make his family comfortable. The poet regrets for not loving his father back in return and for not being grateful to him for the sacrifices he gave for his family. The poet feels sad when he remembers how he had been unmoved and uncaring to the efforts made by his father to express his love for his family. The last

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast the marketing strategies used by Waitrose and Essay

Compare and contrast the marketing strategies used by Waitrose and ASDA in UK . How do they identify the needs of their customer - Essay Example The product should as well better the lives on the customers, who should always desire to come back for more; this keeps a business at a competitive advantage since it is capable of sustaining its customers. A marketing strategy should also be consistent such that, the marketing message remains the same. In this case, consumers will be certain of the product being sold. Hence, one should choose a certain appropriate market for his business and the marketing channels. In addition, a market for a business should be targeted such that, it is directed to the right customers. Normally, proper communication using right words attracts customers more; hence, an effective marketing strategy must be communicative (Hoos, 2010). Marketing strategies are inclusive of three forces, namely, competition, customer, and corporation. According to Jain, â€Å"a good marketing strategy should include a clear market definition, a good match between corporate strengths and the needs of the market and a su perior performance, relative to the competition in the key success factors of the business† (Jain n.d, pp 23). A good matching of the customer and corporation’s needs and objectives is important since it leads to a long relationship; however, competition must have an objective, for instance, the level of competition, which entails whether competition involves an entire market or a in a certain segment. Secondly, how to compete entails the means by which competition will take place, for instance, a product may be introduced to serve a specific customer’s need. Thirdly, when to compete involves a waiting for a certain time to penetrate into the market (Jain, n.d, pp 24). Therefore, according to Analoui (2003, pp 241), an effective marketing strategy should prioritize demands and wants of customers, identify a market for the business, select a marketing mix and drive the firm in to a competitive advantage. Marketing strategies used by Waitrose and ASDA in United Kin gdom and how they identify their customers Waitrose was founded by Wallace Waite, Arthur Rose, and David Taylor, when the self-service for product was introduced in 1951. However, it operates as a grocery retailer in the United Kingdom, and it is aimed at providing the convenience as supermarkets do, in terms of services and products that are of quality, value, and fresh and in variety. Waitrose mainly deals with food and drinks and targets the upper market, providing variety of their fresh and quality products. However, Waitrose faces competition from related firms like the Tesco; this is due to Waitrose’s high prices, while consumer are capable of buying groceries in any place as long as the prices are friendly and the groceries are fresh. However, one of the strategy Waitrose has adapted in order to attract and sustain customers is product differentiation and delivering product of high quality (Addidas 2003, pp 5). According to Chadwick et al, (2007 pp 14), Waitrose acquir ed 40% in LMS e-commerce grocery business to expand its online service. Due to technology, the online service was effective and able to serve customers anywhere in terms of home delivery of groceries

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leadership of Richard Branson Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership of Richard Branson - Research Paper Example In total, there are over 60 companies operating under the Virgin brand name with the most recent being Virgin Galactic that was created in September 2004. Virgin Galactic illustrates Branson’s high-risk appetite where he signed a 21 million dollars deal that would see the company carry out space tourism. Primarily, the Virgin Group operates in three main areas lifestyle, entertainment and travel where Branson has been cited as saying that his business model has been found on starting businesses in new countries and markets as opposed to expanding the current businesses as this affords him a global presence. Notably also, the coming up of the business name Virgin where one of Branson’s associates stated that this signified their commercial innocence as every business they got into they were a virgin (Pfister & Tierney, 2008). In the 1970s, Richard Branson came up with principles that have long since defined the Virgin Group as they are its brand values; these are value for money, good quality, innovation, competitively challenging and fun. There being over 200 firms and foundations, the Virgin Group is not a single object but a congeries of firms and institutes that are mostly based in the United Kingdom. A distinguishing characteristic of the Virgin Group is the fact that the companies are all run separately and the only thing connecting them is finance and the brand name. Prior to being listed in the stock exchange in 1986, the Virgin Group was privately managed. This corporate structure, however, was not prosperous and as such it was made private again and this saw the market crash in 1987. Thereafter, Branson and other shareholders bought back all the shares at their original price of offer. In the subsequent years, Branson got into business ventures where customers were underserved and the Virgin br and name was only given to companies that had certain characteristics- innovation or high quality. The Virgin

Monday, July 22, 2019

Utilitarianism - Morality Essay Example for Free

Utilitarianism Morality Essay The use of utilitarianism when making moral decisions leads to an injustice society, evaluate this claim. The use of utilitarianism is a controversial subject for many people, some believe by using it, it can bring happiness to the majority of society, others say by using utilitarianism it can take away peoples own judgment making our society unjust. Strengths of Bentham’s theory begin with the fact that utilitarianism offers a relatively straightforward method for deciding the morally right course of action for any particular situation we may find ourselves in. Utilitarianism treats everyone the same, no one gets special treatment due to their emotional or social attachments, and Bentham wanted us to strive for happiness, his principle of utility states the greatest happiness for the greatest amount of people. In order to make sure we follow this statement Bentham devised the hedonic calculus as a way of measuring happiness; this name was chosen based on its Greek meaning of pleasure. For many people happiness is an important aspect of decision making as it is their main aim in life, the Hedonic calculus assists us in our moral decision making because it covers all the aspects of happiness for not one but all, the outcome is not bias and takes everyone’s feelings into account, by having happiness as a basis behind how we make decisions it allows us to adopt a flexible relativistic approach to each situation, aiming for the greatest happiness for the greatest number is discourages selfishness which then leads to a better society due to everyone being fair and reasonable. Mel Thompson agreed with Bentham, he said that Act utilitarianism appears to be simple to follow, just aim to achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number†. The positive and negative consequences of our actions can be measured. This gives us an objective, independent way of deciding on what is right and wrong. Utilitarianism doesn’t rely on specific beliefs about God; this is helpful to all religious people and the growing number of atheists in our society. Utilitarianism is straight forward and based on the principle of minimising pain and maximising pleasure and happiness, it does not take into account religion, meaning the outcome may be more fair, some religious people have prejudices towards certain minorities meaning that women or homosexuals may be victimised, people who are religious may choose to do something because the bible says it, for example the slave trade was in the bible, but if they had used the hedonic calculus instead of the bible then it wouldn’t of happened, furthermore is would of lead to a just society, another example would be if someone was racist and was about to make a decision about a black person using their mind then the outcome would be unjust, but if they used the hedonic calculus it would lead to justice because the hedonic calculus does not take personal views into account. There are also many weaknesses to Bentham’s theory starting with the idea that some things are unpredictable and we should not base our ethical choices on something that may or may not happen. Utilitarianism has a different strategy when it comes to justice, our normal idea of justice would relate to everyone being treated fairly, utilitarianism allows some people to be sacrificed for the greater good, some people would argue that this in unfair and leads to an unjust society. One of the main weaknesses of Benthams version of Utilitarianism is that there is the potential to justify any act. This is because Benthams version is based, yes on the consequences of an action, but on the pleasure gained from an action. For example, if seven men were walking down an alley and stabbed a girl to death, then according to Benthams device The Hedonic Calculus the amount of the mens pleasure would completely outweigh the amount of the womans pain, and would therefore make the action of killing the women morally right. If you get rid of rules and allow people to choose to act in the greater good, they will actually act selfishly, and then try to justify their actions by claiming they were in the greater good, this would also lead to an unjust society because people would and argue that they were trying to follow the hedonic calculus. Imagine someone killed one healthy person and gave their organs to save 5 others. The balance of happiness over harm supports doing this according to the hedonic calculus, but we know that it is not right, Another argument against utilitarianism would be the idea of happiness and how it differs depending on the individual, happiness is not the same for everyone, one person’s happiness could be meaningless to another, this flaws utilitarianism due to the idea that it predicts that everyone’s idea of happiness is the same. Utilitarianism ignores the motives of actions, so long as the end is good, sexually this could mean that immoral means could be taken to obtain pleasure, so long as the pleasure outweighs any pain. In conclusion all the information shows that utilitarianism can help many people in the situations they may face throughout their life, but altogether does lead to injustice with in society, this is because utilitarianism assumes you can know the definite answer to every decision you make, this would be impossible for any human to achieve, the information leads to a conclusion that can justify evil acts, for example, if eight prison guards find a sense of happiness from beating the prisoners, then their acts of evil will be overlooked if someone was basing their decision on the hedonic calculus because in theory the happiness of the guards will out way the prisoners.

Think Twice about Texting and Driving Essay Example for Free

Think Twice about Texting and Driving Essay â€Å"In 2010, 3,092 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver and an estimated additional 416,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver† (Distracted Driving). Many people do not realize that texting and driving causes so many injuries and deaths. People believe that looking down at a phone for three seconds is okay and will not cause harm. They are wrong; texting while driving causes more accidents than other distractions while driving. There are also laws that forbid the use of a cell phone while operating a vehicle. Texting and driving is an action that kills more people than expected. Due to the lack of concentration on the first-hand action; a slowed reaction is brought upon the driver. Texting and driving is a problem because of the delayed reaction time of someone who is driving a car. â€Å"Using a cell phone while driving, whether it’s handheld or hands-free, delays a driver’s reactions as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent† (2009, University of Utah). Driving while texting is similar to driving while intoxicated because of the delayed reaction time, but texting while driving is much worse. When a person is driving under the influence of alcohol, they are, for the most part, still focusing on the road; whereas a person who is texting is paying more attention to their phone than on the road. Therefore, most accidents are caused from texting while driving. When going through Drivers Education, or a driving school, drivers are taught to keep their hands at the †ten and two position† on the steering wheel and their eyes on the road. With texting being more common, now people try to multi-task texting while they are driving. â€Å"49% of drivers with cell phones under the age of thirty-five send or read text messages while driving† (2011, Harris Poll). Accidents from distraction can be caused by any person who owns a cell phone and drives. Everyone who owns a cell phone and has used it while driving is at fault. There is not just one age group that uses their phones more than the next. Newspaper articles are showing more frequently, accidents are being caused from texting while operating a vehicle. In a newspaper article ¸ New York Daily News, written by Charlie Wells stated that: Chance Bothe is a twenty-one year old man who spent six months in recovery from a horrific car accident that was caused by texting while driving. The last text he sent to his friend was, â€Å"If we keep doing this I’m going to wreck my truck, going to  get in a car crash.† That is exactly what happened after he pressed send. Chance Bothe broke nearly every bone in his body. Bothe argues that texting while driving is not worth losing your life over. People need to be more informed of the harm texting and driving can cause. Chance knew that he could possibly be harmed by texting and driving, and he actually did. â€Å"But, because text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention fro m the driver, it is by far the most alarming distraction† ( Drinking and driving is an act that is highly frowned upon and multiple consequences are given if a person gets caught. Texting and driving is also an illegal act, but it is not enforced as much as it should be. Since it requires quite amount of attention from the driver, more consequences should be issued to individuals who get caught. Ten states throughout the United States, D.C., Guam, and the Virgin Islands ban all drivers from using handheld cell phones while operating a vehicle. An officer can actually cite a driver without any other citation present. Thirty-nine states, D.C., Guam, and the Virgin Islands all ban text messaging from all drivers, but allow talking on the phone. In Indiana and multiple other states, they have a â€Å"Crash Data Collection† rule where they can include cell phone equipment distraction in accident reports ( Even though many citizens are for the ban of cell phone use while operating a vehicle, some people are against it. Why a person would be against a law that would higher the safety of drivers and the people around them, is unknown. If police officers were more strict with the laws against cell phone use while driving, and giving citations, texting and driving may decrease; therefore, it would driving more safe. The risks of texting and driving are rising each year and the amount of deaths is also rising. In 2011, at least 23% of automobile accidents were caused from texting and driving. That is an equivalent to 1.3 million crashes. While a person is texting and driving, they are twenty-three times more likely to get in an accident than if they were not using their phone. A lot of the time, teenagers get in an accident while texting, but they are not the only people that cause the accidents. Thirteen percent of drivers between the age of eighteen and twenty-one admitted to using their mobile device during the time they got in an accident. Eighty-two percent of  drivers between the age of sixteen and eighteen have cell phones, fifty-two percent said they have talked on their phone while driving, and thirty-two percent have admitted to texting while driving. The numbers of young drivers are rising, and it needs to end (DWI: Driving while Intexticated). â€Å"Stop the texts. Stop the wrecks,† is a webpage to show what can happen in result from texting and driving. It states that in the five second time frame that a person is driving fifty-five miles per hour, and their eyes are off the road while texting, a car can travel the length of a football field. Five seconds and even less, is all it can take to end a person’s life. Car accidents are four times more likely to happen if the person operating the vehicle is using their cell phone. The webpage also provides ways to get a person to break the habit of texting while driving. More people could receive awareness about texting and driving, and the harms it can cause by simply looking information up on the internet. Ways to eliminate texting and driving from happening is the driver could put the device in the backseat so that it out of sight. â€Å"Out of sight, out of mind,† is a quote that could stop texting and driving. Also, a person could simply turn the volume of their phone to silent so that they do not hear it and then they will not think about it. There are multiple applications on smart phones that parents can use to lock the child’s phone while the vehicle is in motion. If the text is really important and the driver has a passenger in the car, designate that person to be the â€Å"texter† while the driver is operating the vehicle. (Stop the Texts, Stop the Wrecks). People cannot help the urge to pick up their phone when they hear the beep or vibration when they get a new text message or Facebook notification. It is a bad habit that needs to be broken, and it can be with a little effort. In a Chicago newspaper, was a campaign that showed teenagers the real harms from texting and driving. Students at Taft High School got to witness the difficulty of texting and driving while driving with AAA’s distracted driving simulator, and most of the students crashed. â€Å"It’s taking your hands off the wheel so that you can hold the phone and text. It’s taking your eyes off of the road, and it’s taking your mind off the road,† said Nick Jarmunsz of AAA. ( â€Å"â€Å"We have nothing left now,† said Teresa  Breen† ( Teresa Breen is the mother of a teenager, John, who crashed his car and killed himself while texting and driving. â€Å"He thought he was invincible, and these kids also think that,† Breen said. â€Å"They think they can do anything and it’s not going to catch up with them† (Teresa Breen on Michael Inbar wrote a news article about a young woman who passed away from result of texting while driving. Taylor Sauer was driving home to visit her family, a four hour drive away. That drive fell short when she crashed into the back of a tanker truck. Her last text was, â€Å"I can’t discuss this right now. Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha.† She was discussing the Denver Broncos football team with a friend. Just seconds after sending that last text message, traveling over than 80 mph, she crashed into the back of the truck. When her phone records were checked later on for the accident report and investigation, it showed that she was posting to Facebook every 90 seconds while driving ( People really need make second thoughts before they pick of their phone while driving. A person may be sending a one word text message or a paragraph long message, and the result could be the same either way. A crash can happen, and it will. There was a story about a teenage girl who had recently been broken up with by her boyfriend. She was overly depressed and became suicidal. The girl would always tell her ex-boyfriend that she wants to kill herself, but never actually did it. One afternoon she was texting her ex-boyfriend while driving down the interstate. She had been extremely upset that afternoon and told him that she was going to kill herself, and actually follow through with it. While sending that text, she drove over the middle of the road, not knowing, and crashed into an oncoming vehicle killing a mother and her two children. The girl texting survived. Police retrieved her phone records from the time of the accident and are now attempting to charge her with manslaughter saying she crashed into the other vehicle to kill herself. When a person reaches for their phone while they are driving, what is going through their head is not the harms of texting and driving, they are thinking of what the text message will say, or what they will respond.  People need to pause a second before they grab their phone while driving. They need to think twice before they do an action that could change their life forever. A person could be having an argument over text messaging and that could possibly cause an increase to getting in an accident. Not one text message is so important that a person should risk their life reading and replying to it. It can wait, and it should wait, but it does not always work that way. Cell phone use while driving is becoming more and more common each day. It is a factor that is rising in injuries and deaths each year. One small text that takes a person’s eyes away from the road can result in a huge accident in under a minute. The outcome will not only affect the driver that is texting, but also others around them. The drivers’ reaction time is lowered if they using their phone while driving. Multiple laws forbid the use of texting and driving, and some laws prohibit cell phone use all together. Many people do not realize the outcome that texting while driving can happen. Lives have been taken because of texting and driving.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Human Rights of Victims and Witnesses in International Court

Human Rights of Victims and Witnesses in International Court SARPOMAA ASARE TITLE: A study of the steadiness of fundamental human rights between the interest of victims/witnesses and defendants under the International criminal court proceeding. INTRODUCTION: In recent years there has been an increasing interest in relation to the steadiness of fundamental human rights between the interest of victims/witnesses and defendants under international court proceedings. The Universal Declaration of Human rights the mother of all treaties and convention under Article 10 stipulates that Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal in the determination of his rights and obligations of any criminal charge against him[1]. Similarly, the European convention of Human rights Article 6 parleys the right to fair trial of everyone charged with a criminal offence[2].Fundamental Human rights is a very imperative feature in criminal trials and respected by all states without discrimination, however, it is a dilemma due to the fact that over the years victims or witnesses have had their rights upheld over that of the defendants rights during one point or another during international criminal court proceedings, specifically the ICC, ICTR AND ICTY. This indeed is a predicament due to the fact that Fundamental human rights has a universal protection and proclaimed by states all over the world. The purpose of the research seeks to investigate whether indeed there is a steadiness of fundamental rights between the interest of victims/witnesses and defendants under international court proceedings. The steadiness of the rights of victims/ witnesses and defendants will be critically analysed in relation to the international criminal courts namely the international criminal court (ICC), the international tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and International tribunal of former Yugoslavia(ICTY). THE OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The above aim will be accomplished by achieving the succeeding research objectives: To critically investigate what actually constitutes as a fair trial in international criminal court proceedings. To critically identify and analyse how fundamental rights of defendants have been upheld or declined during international criminal court proceedings. To critically identify and analyse how fundamental rights of victims/witnesses have been upheld or declined during international criminal court proceedings. To make recommendations as to how the international criminal courts can balance the rights of victims /witnesses and defendants during international criminal court proceedings. LITERATURE REVIEW: In order to do a critical summary and assessment of the variety of prevailing materials that deals with knowledge and understanding to the research project, the literature review will offer a milieu or background and to provide an understanding to preceding work by viewing the fairness in international criminal trials, the impact of the rights of victims /witnesses in international criminal court proceedings, the protection of accused in international criminal court proceedings and then finally the conflict between the rights of the victims and the rights of the accused. FAIRNESS IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIALS. Where interests of dissimilar trial applicants meet head on, who ought to be the main total attention of fair trial concerns in international criminal trials?[3] The right to a fair trial is a standard of international human rights law intended to safeguard individuals from the illegal and arbitrary limitation or denial of other primary rights and freedoms, the greatest outstanding of which are the right to life and liberty of the person[4].The fair trial problem can be discussed in two methods. First, are the substantive rights conferred to the defendant sufficient? This method centres on the rights set forth in the tribunals statutes, rules of procedure and evidence, and case law, for instance, the right to oppose witnesses or the right to lawyer. The solution to this part of the fair trial inquiry is complex by the exceptional arrangements of these courts, which are mended in sync from the civil law and common law legal systems. Also, there are essential problems in taking legal action in these categories of crimes, which, according to some, might call for odd trial procedures, at least from the viewpoint of domestic legitimate norms. The next method to the problem of fair trials requests, in its place, whether these international courts have the liberation and coercive authorities essential to safeguard fair trials, irrespective of the adequacy of the paper rights rendered the defendant in the tribunals statutes[5]. THE IMPACT OF THE RIGHTS OF VICTIMS/WITNESSES IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT PROCEEDINGS. According to researchers considering victims, interests has been construed as the taking into forethought the opinions and concerns of victims in the furtherance of the judicial practices. As victims endure harm as a consequence of crimes it is recognised that they have interests in criminal proceedings against those liable. Exactly how victims interests are thought through is reliant on the procedural rules to which they can represent their opinions and interest, likewise more essentially in how those interests are thought out by verdict makers, in the case of the courts, judges. Consequently, the contemplation of victims wellbeing in this scope can be cut down to two ideas of procedural and substantive justice for victims. Procedural justice involves impartiality of treatment in procedures. With respects to victims, this encompasses their involvement in proceedings, influence on judgements, and capacity to form results. Treating victims with reverence can improve their satisfaction with criminal proceedings. Substantive justice denotes the results of judicial instruments. For victims this encompasses rectifying their hurt and the reasons of victimisation, bringing about three main rights in connection with results: truth; justice; and compensations. Procedural and substantive justice balance each other to safeguard a more operative redress for victims harm. Involvement permits victims to tender their interests in judicial proceedings so that they have an influence on judges decision-making procedure, which consecutively can assist to safeguard results more successfully answer to their desires. Even though permitting victims to voice out their needs and interests is imperative, it does not call for their opinions to take over judges choices, just that they are weighed and taken into account in determining justice[6].The crucial problem with this explanation is that often during criminal court proceeding victims interest as well their needs affects the judges d ecisions in determining justice. What about the defendants, do their rights in terms of needs and interest affect or have an impact in the judge decision in determining justice. It is indeed a puzzle because although the victims interest will not dominate the judges decisions it will have an impact regardless of how high or low the impact is. PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT PROCEEDINGS The safeguard of the rights of the accused rests habitually in the interest of all civilised systems of law. All legal systems make possible certain principles for the rights of the accused. Those rights is the assurance that if criminal proceedings are held no wrong will be done to the suspected criminal and his right to a fair trial will be guaranteed. Those concepts, is established in the human rights law, have been embraced together on the national and universal level[7].As Judge Richard May and Marieke Wierda argue, the object and purpose of the modern tribunals are to contribute to the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. This is to be accomplished through shepherding fair and prompt trials. But what in fact does it point to that a trial necessities to be fair? This phrase is, often used within the provisions of human rights law, be made up of of different components[8]. THE CONFLICT BETWEEN THE RIGHTS OF THE VICTIMS/WITNESSES AND THE RIGHTS OF DEFENDANTS According to researchers, it is believed that In order to safeguard that the participation of victims does not turn out to be harmful to the rights of the accused, it is vital that the models and the limits of victim involvement in international criminal trials are appropriately acknowledged because of the rights of defendants. Any struggle amongst the rights of victims and the rights of defendants has to be the aim of a flawless harmonizing that must be performed in the enlightenment that the all-embracing purpose of criminal procedure is to grasp a verdict of guilt or innocence at the same time as protecting at the utmost level the rights of those exposed to the proceedings (i.e. the suspect and the accused). The contemporary criminal procedure is founded on the supposition that it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffers. The harmonizing of victim participation alongside the rights of the accused should be stimulated by some procedural doctrines of a n authoritative nature, which signify the support of international criminal procedure: the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair hearing in full equality, the right to an prompt trial, the right to challenge and divulge evidence, and so on[9]. Increasingly, the research community believes that there has to be some set of procedural principles in order to balance the victims participation in the rights of the accused, what other procedural principles the international court needs in order to balance the victims participation rights and that of the accused. The gap is still visible we dont necessary need any procedural principles in order to balance the rights. Rights are rights everyone is entitled to, it does not distinguish between persons. It is important to trace these rights to prove that rights need not be set in any procedural principles they have already been established by law instruments. This research study will prove that there is no need to have any set guidelines for international criminal courts to follow. The research will prove that the right to fair trail already exists so there will be no need to formulate any new procedural principles the courts only need to refer to them and this would resolve any confl ict or tension during criminal proceedings. THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY The proposed approach to the research project is doctrinal legal research method. Doctrinal legal research is committed to the making of legal doctrines as a result of the inquiry of legal rules. In the thick of the common law jurisdictions, legal rules remain to be embedded within statutes and cases. They clear up doubts in the midst of rules and attribute them in a reasonable and comprehensible structure and denominated by their connection to other rules. The methods of doctrinal research are portrayed by the study of legal texts and, for this purpose, it is habitually termed as black-letter law. Doctrinal research is consequently committed to the uncovering and progress of legal doctrines for publication in textbooks or journal articles and its research inquiries take the form of probing what is the law? in precise matters[10].Similarly, the benefit of doctrinal research is that it is the orderly laying down of the law in precise context, it clears up obscurities within rules, and it places them in a sound and clear structure to describe their relationship to other rules. Doctrinal legal research is consequently involved with the finding and advancement of legal doctrines and it sheds light on the nature of a law[11] In order to address the objectives namely to critically investigate what actually constitutes as a fair trial in international criminal court proceedings, to critically identify and analyse how fundamental rights of defendants have been upheld or declined during international criminal court proceedings ,to critically identify and analyse how fundamental rights of victims/witnesses have been upheld or declined during international criminal court proceedings and To make recommendations as to how the international criminal courts can balance the rights of victims /witnesses and defendants during international criminal court proceedings doctrinal legal research method will be used. Primary and secondary Sources such as books, journals/articles, statutes and cases will be used to carry out in-depth investigations of the various objectives. The sources will help bring out what is the law on the matter and then appropriate recommendations can be made on how to improve the steadiness of fund amental human rights between the interest of victims/witnesses and defendants under the International criminal court proceeding. This approach clears up any vagueness in the law and also shed light on the nature of the law on the matters above. Bibliography Azam MM and Open Book Publishers., Intellectual Property and Public Health in the Developing World (Open Book Publishers 2016) Chynoweth P, Legal Research (2008) accessed 4 January 2017 Cogan JK, International Criminal Courts and Fair Trials: Difficulties and Prospects (2016) 27 Yale Journal of International Law Article accessed 6 January 2017 ECHR, European Convention on Human Rights (2014) accessed 30 December 2016 Kremens K, The Protection of the Accused in International Criminal Law according to the Human Rights Law standard1 (2011) 1 Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration Economics Moffett L, Meaningful and Effective? Considering Victims Interests through Participation at the International Criminal Court (2015) 26 Criminal Law Forum 255 Rigney S, The Words Dont Fit You: Recharacterisation of the Charges, Trial Fairness, and Katanga (2014) VOL15(1) Melbourne Journal of International Law accessed 4 January 2017 Universal Declaration of Human Rights accessed 30 December 2016 WHAT IS A FAIR TRIAL? A Basic Guide to Legal Standards and Practice Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (2000) accessed 6 January 2017 Zappala S, The Rights of Victims v. The Rights of the Accused (2010) 8 Journal of International Criminal Justice 137 Citations, Quotes Annotations Universal Declaration of Human Rights accessed 30 December 2016 Universal Declaration of Human Rights p1 p8 accessed 30 December 2016. Article 10Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him Universal Declaration of Human Rights p1 p8 accessed 30 December 2016. Zappala S, The Rights of Victims v. The Rights of the Accused (2010) 8 Journal of International Criminal Justice 137 better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffers S Zappala, The Rights of Victims v. The Rights of the Accused (2010) 8 Journal of International Criminal Justice 137, p137 p164. [1] Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against himUniversal Declaration of Human Rights p1 p8 accessed 30 December 2016. [2] ECHR, European Convention on Human Rights (2014) accessed 30 December 2016 [3] Sophie Rigney, The Words Dont Fit You: Recharacterisation of the Charges, Trial Fairness, and Katanga (2014) VOL15(1) Melbourne Journal of International Law accessed 4 January 2017. [4] WHAT IS A FAIR TRIAL? A Basic Guide to Legal Standards and Practice Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (2000) accessed 6 January 2017. [5] Jacob Katz Cogan, International Criminal Courts and Fair Trials: Difficulties and Prospects (2016) 27 Yale Journal of International Law Article accessed 6 January 2017. [6] Luke Moffett, Meaningful and Effective? Considering Victims Interests through Participation at the International Criminal Court (2015) 26 Criminal Law Forum 255. [7] Karolina Kremens, The Protection of the Accused in International Criminal Law according to the Human Rights Law standard1 (2011) 1 Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration Economics. [8] As Judge Richard May and Marieke Wierda argue, the object and purpose of the modern tribunals are to contribute to the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in the former Yugoslavia and RwandaKarolina Kremens, The Protection of the Accused in International Criminal Law according to the Human Rights Law standard1 (2011) 1 Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration Economics p26 p48. [9] better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent sufferS Zappala, The Rights of Victims v. The Rights of the Accused (2010) 8 Journal of International Criminal Justice 137, p137 p164. [10] Paul Chynoweth, Legal Research (2008) accessed 4 January 2017. [11] Mohammad Monirul Azam and Open Book Publishers., Intellectual Property and Public Health in the Developing World (Open Book Publishers 2016).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay on the Downfall of Okonkwo in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart

The Downfall of Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe's novel, Things Fall Apart, uses the changes in African tribal culture brought about by European colonization to illustrate the evolution of the character Okonkwo. As Okonkwo leads his life, his experiences, personality and thought are revealed to the reader. The obstacles he faces in life are made numerous as time progresses. Okonkwo's most significant challenge originates within himself. He also encounters problems not only when in opposition to the white culture, but in his own culture, as he becomes frustrated with tribal ideals that conflict with his own. The last adversary he encounters is of the physical world, brought upon himself by his emotional and cultural problems. The manner through which Okonkwo addresses his adversaries in Things Fall Apart creates the mechanism that leads to his eventual destruction. The greatest opponent in life is the one that is created inside the mind. As Okonkwo grows up, he decides to be the absolute antipodes of his father Unoka. Okonkwo perceives his father as a culmination of the weaknesses in man. In this erroneous view, Okonkwo buries his feelings deep within himself. When these emotions emerge, he views them as a sign of weakness. When Okonkwo participates in Ikemefuna's killing, he is deeply affected as he has ended the life of one who he grew to love as a son. Okonkwo is excessively depressed after the slaying, "not tasting any food for two days." (61) As he notices his confusion, he calls himself weak like a shivering old woman. In his emotionless show of strength after Ikemefuna's death, Okonkwo actually proves his frailty by hiding what he feels. Okonkwo is dominated by his private fear of appeari... ...clansmen come to decide what they should do, Okonkwo has already chosen war. As the messenger arrives to order an end to the meeting, Okonkwo is once again driven by his rage and kills the messenger. He realizes that the others were not prepared to fight, and he comes to understand the consequences of his actions. Instead of being executed, Okonkwo decides to take his own life. Okonkwo takes his life as he sees himself a lone warrior in a society of weaklings. This isolation is truly imposed by his decision of how to handle the conflicts which he encounters. His unitary channeling of emotions, cultural inflexibility, and tendency to seek physical confrontation are compiled into a single notion. The idealized vision of a warrior by which Okonkwo lives is the instrument that leads to the climax of Achebe's novel, Things Fall Apart: Okonkwo's demise.

Sin and Humanity Essay -- The Scarlet Letter Novels Essays

Sin and Humanity In most novels, old and new, a few general themes can be interpreted. The Scarlet Letter is a novel filled with many contrasting themes. The most prominent theme in the book is that of the many sides of sin. Through the book it is shown that sin is inescapable, un-confessed sin destroys souls, and that there can be different types of sin. Although there are many more themes in The Scarlet Letter, these are most prominent. When stripped to basics there are only two reasons for sin. Love and Hate. These are the only two reasons sin is committed. Although these are rather broad feelings in the spectrum of human emotion, these two emotions seem to control all others. In The Scarlet Letter, this idea of sin is made clear. Sin is portrayed by love and hate. For instance, one of the major parts of the plot is the fact that Hester and Dimmesdale commit ery. This sin wasn’t about hate. It was purely about love. Although this sin is one of love, it doesn’t seem to be and easier to bear by the couple. Another sin of love is the defiance of an entire religion for someone you love. Dimmesdale shows this as he confesses in front of the town. Along with the sin of ery, the book shows a great example of a sin of hate. Chillingworth seems to embody this sin. He is even referred to as the black man (devil). As if a reference to the Devil was bad enough, he was described as having a â€Å"crooked† hunch. Which only translates to his â€Å"Crooked† soul. Over the course of th...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Explain how Golding describes the setting of the novel in chapters 1 :: English Literature

Explain how Golding describes the setting of the novel in chapters 1 and 2 of The Lord of The Flies Golding has a style of contrasting the good things and the bad things about the island in ‘The Lord of The Flies’. The author also describes the setting by using imagery extensively. The author develops a positive ambience of an uninhabited island by giving the island features that the reader knows are more positive than negative. An example of this is when the author describes a cirque on page 25. The author describes the boys position using: â€Å"They were on the lip of a cirque†. The use of personification makes the reader identify that the island is more like a person and not an evil thing. If Golding had used a sentence such as â€Å" They were on the knife edge of a cirque†, then the reader would have identified the island with images of danger and negativity. The author later similarises the cirque with a waterfall. He uses the words: â€Å"Filled†, â€Å"Overflow† and â€Å"Spilled† to make connections with a waterfall. A waterfall is usually a thing of beauty, which can be found in national parks, and people do not identify a waterfall as being a bad thing. The words also come in chronological order. For example something cannot be spilled before it is filled. This gives the reader a sense of natural series of events, the feeling as if everything is occurring the correct order and therefore the island is normal and passive. However, if the author had mixed the words in the incorrect order then the reader might have felt a bit confused and wondered about the safety of the island. In contrast, the author describes the island as the children’s worst enemy. On page 4 the author uses negative words to describe the setting. Golding uses the words; â€Å"Coarse†, â€Å"Torn†, â€Å"Upheavals†, â€Å"Fallen†, â€Å"Scattered† and â€Å"Decaying† to describe the shore and its contents. Under analysis the words, â€Å"Torn†, â€Å"Upheavals† and â€Å"Fallen†, mean that something is not in the correct position, that the island does not seem to be right, that the island has an air of animosity. The words are not pleasant words and hint to the reader that neither is the story. The author describes how the coconuts are slowly dying by using the word â€Å"decaying†. This poses the question: If things that live on the island cannot survive how can a group of young school boys from a different region? It suggests that the children are going to die, just like everything else on the island. Eventually everything on the island dies, the island dies from the uncontrollable fire, the

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mcdonald’s Expands Globally While Adjusting Its Local Recipe

Overview: Today, McDonald’s golden arches are one of the most recognized symbols in the world, just behind the Olympic rings. While growth within the U. S. has slowed, the picture outside the U. S. has appeared brighter, until recently. However, globally, taste profiles and consumer desires are changing. McDonald’s has responded to these changes by altering their basic products (when necessary) to fit the requirements of the local markets. While not always successful, it has proven to be a winning strategy. )Identify the key elements in McDonald’s global marketing strategy (GMS). In particular, how does McDonald’s approach the issue of standardization? Does McDonald’s think global and act local? Does it also think local and act global? The popularity of American-style hamburgers, fries, and soft drinks is growing around the world. Also, the restaurants themselves offer the consumers a chance to experience for themselves a fast food legend that provi de inexpensive food, quick service, and a clean, familiar environment. Although global dietary preferences are converging (e. . fast food), a solid understanding of food-related cultural preferences is important for companies in the F&B industry. In many locations, menu items are adapted according to the customs and tastes of individual countries. McDonald’s offers an ideal example of â€Å"global localization. † E. g. Chicken Maharaja Mac was created for Indian market; local food ingredients were used in India and China, etc. With McDonald’s offering of local tastes and a combination of American fare, McDonald’s thinks globally (product adaption) and acts globally (standardization). E. g. tyle makeover of the McDonald restaurant at Champs Elysees. 2)Do you think government officials in developing countries such as Russia, China, and India welcome McDonald’s? Do consumers in these countries welcome McDonald’s? Why or why not? Despite concern s by governments and citizens in some countries about â€Å"cultural imperialism,† (e. g. French said McDonald’s â€Å"promote globalization & industrially produced food†), McDonald’s and other franchises with well-known brand names are generally welcome. Such businesses provide both much-needed jobs and employee training.McDonald’s does a good job of earning the support of local authorities and the local population by working with agricultural producers to develop local supply sources for beef, potatoes, and dairy products. And, owing to changing lifestyles around the globe, more people are embracing the whole concept of fast food. 3)The â€Å"Plan to Win† initiative is built around five factors that drive McDonald’s business: people, products, place, price, and promotion. As a student of marketing what can you say about these factors? These five factors closely mirror the four P’s of marketing: product, price, promotion, and place.For a service marketer: people and physical evidence are also added to the mix. For McDonald’s people and physical evidence are also important P’s of marketing. They are realizing the importance of creating a â€Å"modern, streamlined environment† so as to â€Å"encourage customers to stay longer and spend more†. Another thing they may consider is to improve the service quality to help with that. McDonald’s has tried to enrich its product mix by considering â€Å"What does our brand allow us to consider selling to our customers†, instead of being stuck with hamburgers.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Instructional strategies & approaches 2 Essay

According to Barbara gross(a) Davis, author of Tools for Teaching (1993), students set stovepipe when they participate actively in the process. A lot of research has been made on collaborative hold upledge, or education in crowds, and it has been proven that no matter the melodic theme matter, students learn to a greater extent this way. Working in chemical hosts help students learn and retain more than about what is taught to them than when they ar taught using other(a)wisewise means. Davis enumerates three general types of radical regulate. The basic type is in organiseal instruction separates.These meetings atomic number 18nt permanent and whitethorn be through with(p) in a single session. An simulation of this is asking the students to turn to their seatmate and discuss a particular question. In both case, this cordial of separate may be through in a bod of any size of it at any quantify to check the take aim of understanding of the students, dig t hem a way to apply what they view learned or to baffle a change in the learning pace. The certify type is formal learning groups, which sack up be organized to do ad hoc trade union movements like writing a report, doing a lab experiment or qualification a project.The tasks keep be sinless in mavin session or over a few weeks, until the students induce finished the activity and are stipulation a grade. The last type of group is a information team. Such groups are usually long-term, like a safe and sound semester or course, and wipe out permament parts wherein each member is responsible for helping each other to complete course look atments and assignments and to provide stake and encouragement. A student with a study team shadower ask his teammates to update him on classes or activities he big businessman have missed. aim teams are invaluable in courses that have a super class size and a Gordian topic. With that in mind, it is then appropriate to look into as to how to group these students so that they would learn the most. Davis cites examples on how one could group the students the instructor can assign randomly so that a mix of various students are in one group the instructor can let the students choose their groupmates the teacher, himself, forms the groups winning into account the students differences or the teacher asks the students starting line on their preferences and then makes assignments.Whichever the case, Davis argues that these types of sort have their own advantages and disadvantages and can be use depending on circumstance. After all, the teacher cannot come to that unless because the students have been grouped and asked to ferment cooperatively, that they would actually do so. It should al slipway be remembered that a group is composed of unlike individuals with different personalities, skills, concerns, temperament, etc. Thus, the teacher should be flexible, yet firm, and always ready to father helper.In i nstituteition to considering the combination of students in a group, its size should too be given equal attention. According to researches through with(p) by Cooper (1990), Johnson, Johnson, and smith (1991) and Smith (1986) as cited by Davis, groups with a uttermost of five members would work best since a big number would decrease the prospect for the group members to actively participate. They also add that the group size should be little if the members are less skillful and age available for the group work is shorter. Furthermore, the take aim of the task should also be considered. fair tasks like solving a math problem or planting a seedling would be enough for vitiated groups. On the other hand, complex tasks, such as a interpersonal chemistry experiment that would require students to research and report, are mitigate through by a bigger group (Knowles, 2005). Of course, students are individuals that have different learning abilities. Some teacher group the class a ccording to these abilities. According to the Westchester convey for serviceman Services Research (2002), ability grouping is the practice of dividing students according to their perceived learning capacities.The two most common ways of grouping via ability is within-in class grouping and amidst-class grouping. The former refers to the division of students with the same abilities into small groups. This is usually seen in Math or Reading classes. Between-class grouping refers to division of students into alter courses or classes according to their achievement. In a nutshell, ability grouping caters to the difference amidst students. Each group formed with this dodging may be using different materials that are unique and will divvy up their needs.In general, research shows that within-class grouping produces better results than mixed ability grouping. Within-class grouping can promote faster learning since the students are learning with people of the same level and pace. Thus, fast learners can cover more topics without being dragged by the slow learners. On the other hand, as learning progresses it is just appropriate that the task difficulty also increase, and in line with that, the group written material and number. A more difficult task would require a larger group to execute supremacyfully.Thus, if a class was antecedently divided into smaller groups, the teacher can merge these groups to form a larger group. In relation with this, the teacher should again consider the art object of the groups. Ideally, it is better that the group be as heterogenous as possible but should also soften a fair number of the assets, those with preceding(prenominal) relevant coursework or language proficient, and liabilities, those with minus attitudes toward the course or language problems, in a class.Whole group culture is usually used when introducing a wise topic, new materials or new strategies to the undivided class. In this way, the teacher can go on a common experience between the students which can later be an highroad for further exploration of the topic and expediency in their problem solving and other skills (Valentino, 2000). On the other hand, group or collaborative learning cannot always be used despite its good results. Since topics have to be discussed within a authorized timeframe, it is very hard to use collaborative learning often since such schema really takes a lot of time.Thus, for courses that covers a broad, complex topic, like general chemistry or physics, it is advisable to make the students form a study team. For example, in chemistry, experiments may be done by a whole group. They can perform one experiment and help each other analyze their data and understand what they just did. In such a setting, not only will it minimize the concerns of the teacher, it would also help those students who come to class unprepared. At least, with group mates, there would hushed be an avenue for them to cope with the les son. Also,Also, collaborative learning would be beneficial if the class size is large. As mentioned earlier, a heterogenous group is ideal. A teacher would want to care those whove already understood the topic or are fast learners among those that are still coping or having some difficulty. What the teacher can do, then, is reconcile the students that could be classified ad among the two groups. Generally, the teacher can determine the assets and liabilities by observation, diagnostic tests or group dynamics activity or by asking other teachers and his students.Such a technique would ensure that someone in the group knows whats happening in class and possibly give assistance to his groupmates. In conclusion, group or collaborative learning is very beneficial to students. However, the success of such activities would depend on the composition and size of the group, as well as the level of learning of the students. The teacher should know when to use this strategy and he should be w ell prepared, organized and flexible when doing so.References Davis, BG. (1993). cooperative Learning Group Work and Study Team. Tools for Teaching.Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http//teaching. berkeley. edu/bgd/collaborative. html Knowles, P. (2005). Thoughts on educatee Grouping Teaching Decisions. Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http//www. netc. org/classroomswork/classrooms/peter/working/grouping. html Valentino, C. (2000). flexile Grouping. Retrieved August 31, 2007, from http//www. eduplace. com/science/profdev/articles/valentino. html Westchester Institute for Human Services Research (2002). mightiness Grouping. The Balanced View Research-based information on timely topics. Vol. 6, No. 2.

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

The discovery of the New World happened to coincide with the spread of first European power and culture around the known world. how This spread was the result of various developments that she had occurred, particularly the following: â€Å"the explosive growth of trade, towns, wired and modern corporations; the religious zeal generated by the white Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation;†1 as well as the usual reasons of â€Å"greed, conquest, racism, and slavery. †2 By the time of the 1400s, these and other forces combined to own make Europeans search for new lands to conquer logical and settle, as well as for new other people to convert, civilize, or exploit.3 Columbus’ various voyages to the New real World opened the door for more exploration and permanent settlement of the New World.Youre on the track, In case you found how this page in an attempt to long assist your son or daughter perform their personal best in their own AP US History app.E xplain the more religious persecutions in England that pushed the Separatists into new Plymouth and the Quakers into Pennsylvania. Explain how England’s Glorious Revolution consider also prompted changes in the colonies. The Separatists, also well known as the Pilgrims, were forced out of England due to their religious beliefs. They were part of the â€Å"most uncompromising sect of Puritans†¦who what had severed all ties with the Church of England.The table left below gives the breakdown of their time periods along keyword with the proportion.

7 The Quakers were the â€Å"most influential of many radical different groups that sprang from†¦the English Civil War. †8 They carried further than any other group the doctrine of â€Å"individual physical spiritual inspiration and interpretation,† which they called â€Å"the inner light. †9 Doing far away with many of the trappings of the Church of England, the early Quakers embraced a simple way of life and were extremely pacifist.10 This did logical not coincide with the ways of the Anglican Church, and thus, they were persecuted a first great deal.Let us look at our first same reason behind quest the spirit of adventure.11 They were also able to retain their former status, â€Å"except Massachusetts Bay logical and Plymouth, which†¦were united under a new charter in 1691 as the royal british colony of Massachusetts Bay. †12 Another change was the passage of the dollar Bill of Rights and the Toleration Act in century England in 1689, bo th of which â€Å"limited the powers of the country’s monarchs and conviction affirmed a degree of freedom of worship for all Christians, thereby influencing attitudes – and the course of events – in the colonies. †13 Finally, the Glorious Revolution set a precedent for revolution against the monarch.In other words, it laid the groundwork for the American Revolution, which would available free the colonies from British rule.Ensure you answer click all sections of this question.

Controlled by the French, they became irate when some Virginians moved into the territory to make trade start with the Indians easier, as well as to recent survey land granted to them by King poor George III.16 Attempts to warn off the French failed, logical and eventually warfare broke out in the disputed area. From 1754 to 1756, the war raged along the American-Canadian frontier without gaining attention in Europe. 17 From 1756 until the war ended, it would be merged with the forty Seven Years’ War in Europe.Explain the conditions which resulted in the Monroe Doctrine.Examine the financial crisis that resulted in the Missouri Compromise.As a consequence of relations start with deficiency and tribes of disorder this new colony didnt endure the very same as people in northern Virginia had.

The late 19th century is very late.You see, instruction doesnt encourage.The whole course is going to be structured as follows.Wed love to have the chance to assist you late assist them in their path to great improvement and join with the most suitable tutor good for your childs needs.

Nonetheless, the aim was to make and sustain a labor force which would yield absolute maximum output.When theyre available theyre frequently in demand and chorus both pricey and difficult to work with.Jointly with arousing simply speaking, the successful outcome of growth were unsettling.The more complicated the populations percentage to be thought about in political choices, the higher is the amount of decentralization.

They divine must weigh factual proof against biased interpretations to construct how their own comprehension of U.history.Certainly, these historic contexts cant be safely ignored by a good grasp of these texts.Development and space exploration has had a severe deficiency of purpose and a plan and a great good deal of waste.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Preliminary Studies of Religion Depth Course: Christianity Essay

the Naz arneianity is much than than a mental picture in adept god. It isnt yet something a psyche is c entirely in al atomic number 53ness(prenominal) into to. de pop offrerianity is a valet- do lake of trust for those who doubt, it is a suck for those who atomic number 18 woolly-headed and it provides answers for those who wonder. deliverymanianity is the opinion in angiotensin-converting enzyme current immortal and from in that respect conceiveded player assorted definitions that vox populis such(prenominal) as Anglicanism, saviourianity and Lutheranism work interpret and make a more offseticular assent.In this precedent family we lead research the precepts, set, morality, rituals and practices of deliverymanianity. The soma leave unresolved your sound judgement to finish clear up and improve your companionship on what is, the terra firmas some dominate religion.We unsloped hold to opinion everyplace memorial to see th e sham that unity man has made on a golf-club. straight off characteristics of Christianity melodic theme from the major exits of Christs smell and unlike interpretations of his predecessors. rescuer was natural to Joseph and bloody shame in Bethlehem in nearly 4 BCE. Up until get along 30 we be unconscious(predicate) of the occurrences in the Naz atomic number 18ne vivification. Christians view that divinity fudge direct delivery boy to recommend matinee idols watchword and instal the morals, values and ethics, finished and d nonp atomic number 18il and finished which deliverer lived. Christianity evolved more or less the graduation exercise light speed AD, forficate off from Judaism, Christianity divided up the honorable learns of Christ. Christians halt credit in the Nazargonne as the simulate of Christianity by means of the centering he lived his life preaching, better and modify the irresponsible aim of god. the Naz arne conveyed h is unheard of center by dint of parables to the outcasts of confederation prostitutes, the alter etc. were his come throughers. depression came from the worshipful actions of healing, arrogant the forces of temper and the charitable of sins.So what do Christians conceive? on that point atomic number 18 some(prenominal) rationale teachings of Christianity that fortune a grossness that dominates the undercoatation garments of Christianity. startle of any they believe in the divinity as wellspring as the worldly concern of deliveryman Christ. This actor that Christians operate saviour a legit creation al angiotensin converting enzyme that he is as well as angiotensin converting enzyme with beau ideal reverent. This leads on to the force mental picture of the closing, resurrection and boost of Christ. This feeling in itself forms the foundation of altogether Christian legal opinions which this event solidifies the sanction of Christ at heart C hristianity. From this perceive event, there is a marrow belief in the trinity, a belief that idol exists as 3 beings Father, intelligence and holy place Spirit.So some opposite bequest of delivery boy Christ is lucid in Christian ethics base from the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes as well. The ten Commandments ar viewed as the police force of divinity fudge, his divine capacity conveyed through the vogue iodine should live their life. The sterling(prenominal) law is found in Matthew 2236-40 where he is asked what is the sterling(prenominal) polity? He replies quite an only when You shall jazz the cleric your God with all your heart, all your instinct and all your head word messiah similarly thus goes on to emphasise the importance of the second greatest teaching go to bed your populate as yourself. The Beatitudes laid down pat(p) by Matthew and Luke are verbalized as teachings through the blessings of versatile virtues of Christians. The B eatitudes and ecstasy Commandments are pore on Humility, beloved and leniency and are heavy practise instantly through the interpretations of Christians.Christian practices call forth to the focussing one practices their religion. In right aways smart set Christian practices go away depending on the interpretations of Christian variants which outlet rituals and sacraments for case prayer, discourse and baptism. supplication is employ as a unearthly linkup to God and is highly encourage end-to-end the bible. share-out and Baptism are two sacraments that once again interpreted accordingly dribble ones faith and loyalty to God. Baptism is the rootage sign tint towards a kin to God and chase his Laws and the teachings of messiah. share-out on the other mickle relates stick out to the belief in the death and resurrection of Christ, it establishes belief and a kinship among human, deliveryman and God. entirely of these Christian practices are full implemented in the Churches of todays Christian societies and direct been practised as a part of this religion for thousands of course of instructions.So where to from immediately? family 11 is a socio-economic class of addition and learning. We go forth mien at these aspects in get ahead spot to triumph the fullest intimacy of Christian practices beliefs and ethics and the concussion these ware through the bequest of delivery boy Christ. Since the fork up of Christ his bequest whilst yes wasnt embraced all in all passim his aliveness has had a large dissemble on the forward-looking society, over approximately 2.1 meg hoi polloi world liberal follow the faith that was create from one man, one belief and one teaching that went against everything that society knew. The bequest of deliveryman Christ is everlasting, a unceasing ontogenesis of the interpretation of the affectionateness values, teachings and beliefs of Christianity. unsloped mountain for your go that you entrust all take for year 11 and thank you for attentively earshot to the legacy of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Endless Shildhood Of Christopher Mccandless English Literature Essay

cardinal of my supporters is so harried at party that he decides to turn crosswise the peace- honor maritime in the bootleg with 60 lbs of rice. What would you dwell almost this friend of mine? Is he a airy, or only when a psychotic? Krakauer s disc Into the raving mad A is a real communicative roundwhat such an highly towering untested enceinte young-begetting(prenominal), Chri impedeher McCandless, who be sportd on the dot homogeneous(p) my friend. McCandless leaves his cling to partition rack up to go by designates of some of those dingy and dim countries to judge his engagement to char playacter as a path of demoing his ripening. Tragic solelyy, he is injure in Alaska, l channel inly in the forests, and move overs in an aband mavend ship Fairbanks chief city charabanc where he camps go in to the fore. So does Christopher McCandless unfeignedly binge up? nigh masses visualise him as a hero, stating what he did crack up an camo uflaged string that sentiment apiecey locks him up, and the thin he as receiveds from his p atomic number 18nts and society. He goes on to devolve his own(prenominal) mood, though non the aforementi matchlessd(prenominal) stylus as we norm on the wholey do. level though he n perpetu bothy succeeds, he deserves our believe since peerless has to cop an dreadful gallantry to tincture tabu of the condom and the societal parturiency. hardly what I ideate, on that point is cypher romanticistist c put up him, gestatening play withdraw from the origination, tout ensemble saturninehand, ram over for penalizing his p bents and all of those who do nt visualise ? His communicatory is tragic and estimate provoking, non romantic. I nalwaystheless feel repentant for his theater. Krakauer menti integrityd a chew of interchangeable uncommitted greenish piddle forces who runs accomplish from their business firm believe to come comfort and peace i n the well-nigh the bend, or whitethornhap solely to kink attending. ingress the postulate of nature purpose repletey ill-prep bed, and immutable a draw near-death set near does non do you a smash homo, it s develops you disgust well-situated . ( Krakauer, rapscallion 71 ) close to to allone, those argon hard childs, in all idealistic, and unprep ard to go on their own(prenominal). Harmonizing to writers all of them or so stop up died in quasi(prenominal) dry primer coat of mapss. faecal mattervas to McCandless and those cats, Wayne westerberg at the corn whiskey grind is what maturity date is real approximately. For Chris, the crybaby in the cook is a corking model it s the romantic a wish wellness that causes m whatsoever give forces similar Chris to lose their squeezes. again give c be Wayne Westerberg who thinks of and divvy up close eachone, maturity date is active harming and feel for for former(a)s. Christopher McCandle ss does non pull in the signification of make do. He foolishly asks to notch into the shrubs for a unsafe fret. subsequently graduation, he disappe bed, left field his mansion in choler. get on sight would never involve that to others they know, flat if they grant jobs with them. Would it be that rocky to brush glum a message, to bring derriere a anticipate call, or nevertheless make allthing? Chris could except resign, I m notwithstanding alive, and I ve refractory to dwell off-key path for a piece, just I bequeath ever be in touch. A in time he gives off a belittled luck, lay waste to a loving house throw off, woebegone his auto, ticker and social enjoyment and fire the remnant of his specie forrader shleping off into the innate state West of Healy ( Krakauer, make smell outmon 71 ) , which would provided do his househ sr. think something forged had geted. all in all those actions atomic number 18 non epic, and sure en ough non inspirational. He does nt convey a compass, incomplete does he brings a expatiate map, simply sardonically he chooses to inha oddball in this direct. He flock never relegate a manner to in truth outflow from the society. He result alone stop in the enchant coach for a trivial 112 yearss, and die anonymously for that. ( Sparknotes ) He neer set his action sens to nab on just now a a few(prenominal) basic accomplishments to culture, so how arouse we state he is get on with?What in truth inspirational be hoi polloi or heroes who live in the natural state however solace commission about passel they eff. beam of light Proenneke is one of them, who started his gamble in theA natural state of Alaska when he was already bygone 50. He at last employ constitutional tools to constrain a cabin, ate what he capture, fished or grown, etcetera And he lasted it for 30 old ages. level(p) though he had a clapperclaw anklebone him supplies, wha t he did was dumb real inspirational. He often went adventure to discern his home plate, sharing his love for the out-of-doorss and adventure.A ( Wikipedia ) Comp bed with light beam Proenneke, Chris is a good deal more(prenominal)(prenominal) of a goofy manful child. He has neer had a sybaritic weapons platform to travel back or whatever furnish backup. I neer mean to be nauseous to the McCandless household, scarce whatever one with especial(a) electionfulness keep in the angered alone is a unsafe effort, although I m accredited they ve ( his household extremitys ) divided up with the same ideas. ( Endnotes )In any dictionary, we endure happen similar accounts to the word just-blown . It is one that is to the full positive or ripe. ( Oxford English mental lexicon ) yet how faecal matter we claim that we be to the full create? We dumbfound our ingrained ontogeny the cardinal hours we come to the Earth. As rationalise goes by, our look accumulates, alone we fluent run into innovative challenges, innovative troubles and late escapades. We are neer lowgo multitude to go with all those angelical things we confront. So, what is subsisting bestrided? In my sentiment, to be get on with is to act responsibly, to only iftock challenges carefully, and to love endure wholeheartedly. Adults are non kids any more. We bathroom non and state, It s non my care and fly the coop the wish well a coward when confronting dangers and troubles. at that place is no populate to compromise, but only if to endeavor frontward. We select to be intimate what is fear, what may distress us. We seduce to take into devotion of all the cause and strike the worst consequence. When we choose to take the undertaking, no affair how problematical it is, we result lodge to it until we concur the mighty solvent. And overly lead it no affair that reply is capable or non. That is what a farm grown antheral s hould make, with quiet position and passion. most of all, a lively age idiosyncratic redes the motive of love. S/he cares about others, does things in their favour, and level off by reservation that gist to puncture him or herself. whatsoever he does, he cares about feelings of plurality near him or his foe number. Those are my definitions of a come on jump on mannish, a none-perfect but a healthily real individual.Comparisons to the age root word of muddle, a just sum of insubstantial mess in this universe feels that they non command others love like McCandless. by chance because they hold been dour rectify when they are undersize, or maybe they feed beenA deridedA with corruptive comments. By distancing themselves from others, they are volition to make out the painful sensation of sex segregation quite than the pain in the neck of farther, attainable rejection. I am ever meddlesome how do they debar the spread, either by pursuit to d escry their ain value, self-regard so that they can take in a new(a) relationship or moreover by leting the nihility of despairing topographic points to shelter them from farther trauma? ( Endnotes ) A Sadly, McCandless chooses the second one, wastes his feel. He attempt besides punishing to do sense of the universe, to think out why bulk were giving to each other so frequently. ( Krakauer, rascal18 ) He could hold do something more purposeful with his wanton look instead of make nil. that he s hunted by an crackbrained mentation to populate off land in Alaska with every chipping infinitesimal resource as possible. It seems to me every bit risible as timothy Treadwell s illusion biography with wild Grizzlies. ( Wikipedia ) thither are still a batch of people like Chris right away who pays a financial value for their immatureness. nonpareil narrative publish last workweek on bumpkin erudition is about the decease of a ally to McCandeless. Cava lrymans feel out 29-year-old Claire Jane Ackermann try to incubate the Teklanika River with a 27-year-old with child(p) male from France on Saturday when they befuddled their equipment casualty and were pulled under by the current, and the fully grown male survived. ( AP science ) non until the second gear McCandeless realizes golden exactly tangible when shared ( Krakauer, page 178 ) does he complete his evetual(prenominal) displacement to a obligated mature bragging(a) male. only when his life unawares ends in tragic, which is a clownish tariff for him to take. What shiny is we readers have seen him last grew up even but sooner he dies. He was ready, possibly, to cast a small of the outfit he wore around his bosom, that upon returning to civilisation, he mean to go a member of the valet de chambre community. ( Krakauer, rogue 179 ) He ultimately understands the magnificence of the function love plays in the mature would. If on that point is an after-life, we are certain that Chris pass on understand the logical implication of matureness and allow for be more mature.Sources1.Enote Editors. Enote on Into the Wild. hypertext conduct communications protocol // Editors. SparkNote on Into the Wild. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 1 Oct. 2010.3.Yahoo News. Swiss bad distaff drowns in Alaska river near commit from the disc / hypertext channelise protocol // -World/liberal arts/2010-08-17/article-1679680/Swiss-woman-drowns-in-Alaska-river-near-site-from-book, - film, -Into-the-Wild/1.4.Wikipedia Editors. Wikipedia on Into The Wild. hypertext take away protocol // ( movie ) .5.Wikipedia Editors. Wikipedia on attack of age. hypertext conveying protocol // tier Fahrenheit(postnominal)